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There are now hundreds of home-made single player missions available for Red Alert. These have beenmade by people who want to add a bit more to Red Alert. Some missions arevery similar to playing a Skirmish game against the computer and are not what I would consider a real 'mission'. However, many missions are better than those by Westwood and really are worth playing. If you know any good single player missions please send them to us.
To use these files: 43.8 kb Sunken TreasureSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 07-Aug-2003 Author: Aaro Ruohonen Staff rating: n/a Description: A single mission for regular red alert. Player's objective is to destroy all submarines, sub pens and capture soviet tech center. Resources are very limited. 58.6 kb Tank BusterSide: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: R. Boggs Staff rating: n/a Description: Although it starts out slow, it gets interesting and will demand your full attention before its over. 11.6 kb Tanya's WaySide: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: Ted Rusk Staff rating: n/a Description: Our objective is the destruction of the technology centre. Tanya MUST survive or the mission will fail. Helicopter capability will be provided when the AA gun is blown, but DON'T lose it, it's your only one. Stealth is imperative, as the enemy will react to our moves. 5.1 kb Target, Aim, FireSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: VL Staff rating: n/a Description: The USSR nuclear missles are aiming for England, you must stop them. Kill all Soviets in the area, Ukraines as well. Use the transport to get Tanya and your Spy on Ukraine base to the island in the east. Once there, use Tanya to eliminate the Soviet Dogs and get the Spy in to the Missile Silo. 9.7 kb Tesla DownfallSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: Hugh Staff rating: n/a Description: It is a mission for the Allies and has one new unit: The Tesla Imobiliser. It draws in the zap without causing damage to itself, so you can therefore use to draw in the zap and allow other units to pass by without being hit. You start off with the Tesla Imobiliser, Tanya and a Medic and must make your way through a mountain pass using this new strategy, destroy a base, discover a base, and then destroy another base. 7.0 kb The Allience Strikes BackSide: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Wilco Engelsman Staff rating: n/a Description: 6 years have passed since the firs war (sounds familiar). General stavros could just escape the soviet holocaust and flet over the great sea. With the weapons bought from his new allies Stavros fights for the fall of russia. 7.3 kb The EscapeSide: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: Mario.G Staff rating: n/a Description: General Stavros has escaped from the prison. You got to catch him (if you want to end the mission that is). This one is quite cool! 31.6 kb The Great ButthulioSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Tim Webster Staff rating: n/a Description: You should kick soviet's ass. Proceed with caution, as they're quite hard... 10.7 kb The Inner SeaSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: Bertrand Barenghien Staff rating: n/a Description: A British amiral and his cruiser have been captured by the soviet in a naval ambush. Our spies report the amiral is beeing held in their technology center. You must destroy the cruiser before the soviet can produce this unit and then rescue the amiral by capturing the tech center, eventually destroy all other soviet buildings and units. 10.8 kb The Iron ProjectSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: Kolors Staff rating: n/a Description: This is demo mission. You need to infiltrate soviet Command Center with spy. Author says there will be more missions to come, but it seems that he abandoned his campaign project. 15.2 kb The New WeaponSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Sebastian Joergensen Staff rating: n/a Description: Soviet are rumored to be working on a new type of defensive weapon, which can make structures, and maybe units, almost invincible. They must not succeed. Capture the Bio-Center at all costs! 11.5 kb The New Weapon 2Side: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Sebastian Joergensen Staff rating: n/a Description: Rescue Tanya. Use your spy to infiltrate a War Factory in the nearby soviet base. He will then hi-jack a truck and rescue Tanya. With Tanya, destroy the SAM sites and power facilities to the Tesla Coils, and get her into the transport chopper. We will send reinforcements when Tanya is evacuated. Your mission is complete when you have infiltrated the soviet Research Center with a spy, and destroyed all soviet activity. 11.4 kb The RiverSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Courtney Trammell Staff rating: n/a Description: The Mammoth Tank threat has passed, and a new problem has risen. The Soviet compond in this area is causeing problems to our war effort. Take out the base with the troops given to you, we would give more if we could spare them. 10.1 kb Top SecretSide: Allies Add-on required: Aftermath Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: unknown Staff rating: n/a Description: The soviets have taken over an allied base with our chronosphere inside it this is not acceptable! We have sent in our new weapons the chronotanks and a field mechanic. Send a spy into the radar dome, then destroy the construction yard next to it. Troops will come running and flare will reveal power plants destroy all these and the gap generators in the base will go offline aswell as the tesla coils so you can get in and destroy everything and complete the mission. 1.0 kb U-571Side: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: unknown Staff rating: n/a Description: You get three submarine in this mission and you must destroy all enemy boats... Very easy! |
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