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There are now hundreds of home-made single player missions available for Red Alert. These have beenmade by people who want to add a bit more to Red Alert. Some missions arevery similar to playing a Skirmish game against the computer and are not what I would consider a real 'mission'. However, many missions are better than those by Westwood and really are worth playing. If you know any good single player missions please send them to us.
To use these files: 8.6 kb Latimer E.L.B.Side: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: A sector has been discovered where the ore regenerates quite rapidly. It is very important that the Soviets control this area. Unfortunately, the allies have beaten us to it. France and Germany have teamed up to mine the ore. Germany controls the off-shore operation, while France controls on-shore. You must first disable the off-shore facilities by destroying the German tech center. It is located in the northwest corner of the map. You must then destroy the German naval base. This will help slow down the naval assaults. Finally, destroy all of France's units and structures. 5.9 kb Latimer EpsilonSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: You have to cature the Soviet Tech center. To aid you in the mission you will get a powerful armoured soldier with a grenade launcher (if you'll have some extra 15,000 credits...). 4.5 kb Latimer GammaSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: A new Soviet base has been discovered. It is said that they have nuclear capabilities. You are to finish construction of the Allied base and to destroy the Soviet base. Tanya will be at your disposal, but make sure that she stays alive. 90.7 kb Latimer OmegaSide: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: Build your base, re-locate ore mining facilities, kill Tanya, capture tech center, destroy all allied units and structures. 5.8 kb Latimer OneSide: Soviet Add-on required: none Date added: 02-Jul-2013 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: You are to destroy all French units and structures. 6.5 kb Latimer Rack TestSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: You are to repair our base and protect the civilians. Then destroy the Soviets. You may want to take over the Turkish base to make things easier. 10.1 kb Latimer ZetaSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Colin Pennington Staff rating: n/a Description: You are to protect your base and save the captured general. He must be brought to the construction yard. If the General is killed or the construction yard is destroyed, you LOSE. As an added bonus for those who view this readme file: the super radar jammer is available for this mission. The cost is 1000 credits. It has heavy armor and the tesla zap weapon. Use it wisely. 6.9 kb Lock 'em InSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: Richard Ling Staff rating: n/a Description: You have only Tanya to do this mission. Do as the briefing instructs and your mission will end successfully when all units and bridges have been destroyed. You will fail your mission if you destroy ANY structure! 6.8 kb Lock 'em In 2Side: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 23-Apr-2000 Author: Richard Ling Staff rating: n/a Description: This is the sequel to "Lock 'Em In". Same map as before, but now the base is yours, and Stalin is attacking with more than just a commando. 8.7 kb Mammoth DestructionSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Courtney Trammell Staff rating: n/a Description: Get your units to the mainland to destroy the Mammoth Tank prodution facilitys immidiatly. 62.2 kb March on MoscowSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: Spike35 Staff rating: n/a Description: Secure your area and start base, and set up ground and air defense all around. Once discovered expect frequent ground and air attacks. Once set up, send a force south to free the prisoners and insure both flame towers and missile silo are destroyed. Drop airborne troops behind sovyet lines to get crates for quick cash. Try to get spies into the pravda, kgb, bio, and tesla control buildings to gain advantage. MAIN objective is the destruction of the kremlin in Red Square. That will crush the commies and stalin for good. 50.2 kb Meanest MissionSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 21-Oct-2016 Author: Nosferatu Staff rating: 9/10 Description: Use all your RA-knowledge to destroy Russian and Ukrainian forces in the region. Your power and abilities will rise by winning objectives and capturing enemy facilities. Beware of traps, mean attacks, and ambush! 22.8 kb Mediterranean OilSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 16-Mar-2003 Author: Len Goforth Staff rating: n/a Description: This mission has just about everything. Reinforcement teams for both sides, traps, pitfalls, swindles, and one helluva bad-ass enemy! You are gonna have to deal with enemy paratroopers, migs, cruisers, and of course land units. Watch out for booby traps too! 28.9 kb MeetingSide: Soviet Add-on required: Aftermath Date added: 24-Mar-2003 Author: Aaro Ruohonen Staff rating: 7/10 Description: Mission is based on small island (yeah, that's small indeed). Allies are trying to kill Volkov, you must keep him alive until chinook arrives to rescue him! My second-oldest mission. 6.1 kb Midnight DescentSide: Allies Add-on required: none Date added: 15-Mar-2003 Author: Eugene Varnavsky Staff rating: 7/10 Description: Use your small but cool team to infiltrate soviet nuclear silo. You have 10 mins to do that before soviet base will turn into the nuclear hell. You`ll get a Colt shooting spies, tanya, and gauss-gunners. //Fixed broken TeamType that causes game to crash upon mission loading. -RaZor |
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