There are now hundreds of home-made single player missions available for Red Alert. These have beenmade by people who want to add a bit more to Red Alert. Some missions arevery similar to playing a Skirmish game against the computer and are not what I would consider a real 'mission'. However, many missions are better than those by Westwood and really are worth playing.
Some people make a collection of their missions and make a campaign out of them. There may be a few smaller campaigns available here, but the larger ones usually have their own homepage. The creators of these deserve credit and you should visit their page to find out the latest information and details about their campaign.

If you know any good single player missions please send them to us.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should put all unzipped files in Red Alert directory!

349.3 kb
Mission Package
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 23-Jul-2003
Author: Rob
Staff rating: n/a
Description: This includes 8 missions, Coast Assault, Bio Warfare, Invasion from the bearing strait, And the 4 missions from the covert opps mini campaign.
15.8 kb
Mission: Impossible
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 02-Jul-2013
Author: VL
Staff rating: n/a
Description: The Soviets have captured some of your troops, and taken them to the 2nd Prison Area. Your resources in the area are limited. Watch out for a large base in the southern area. Send your spy into the Prison Control Center or to scout the area. Make good use of time. Good luck!
9.7 kb
Naval Assist
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Richard Ling
Staff rating: n/a
Description: You have to wipe out the enemy so that a new naval outpost can be built as Stalin destroyed the last one.
10.9 kb
New Allied Mission
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: Shaun Lyle
Staff rating: n/a
Description: You're a spy who's been infiltrating a Soviet Intelligence Base for several months. You receive a coded message from Headquarters. You decode it in private, only to find out that you're needed for a special mission at the famous Lyle Compound. This is where the action starts. You take the elevator to leave the building. You then get a full briefing on your mission. A soviet soldier is near the exit from the elevator...only one option, kill him. You now start your mission. The Soviets have taken over the famous Lyle Compound, an Allied base which exists only to make technical and biological advancements for the Allied forces. You have been given command of the two damaged Soviet tanks we captured during the Battle of Endor. You will also be given a Mobile Contruction Vehicle. You have to take back the compound at any costs.
101.0 kb
New missions for Aftermath
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Sasha
Staff rating: n/a
Description: The pack 18 new missions for the Red Alert Aftermath.
15.0 kb
New Soviet Mission
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: Shaun Lyle
Staff rating: n/a
Description: A large Allied army has moved in on one of our training zones. Consider this another training exercise. Destroy the Allied army before they destroy you. Our friends, the Ukranians, have lent us a few of their best units.
13.5 kb
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: unknown
Staff rating: n/a
Description: A very easy mission for you: this area is infected with too many communists... KILL THEM ALL !!!
22.2 kb
Nuclear Storm
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Dennis Toepoel
Staff rating: n/a
Description: In this mission you have to rescue Kosygin, he was kidnapped by the Allies. He has the launch codes for your nuclear weapon. If you survive that, then you have to kill all of the Allies dogs.
6.5 kb
Nuclear Winter
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 05-Jul-2013
Author: Kelly Miller
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Destroy Soviet base. This mission should be part of "Nuclear Winter" campaign which has never been finished.
9.4 kb
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Ted Rusk
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Those pesky Cubans and Mexicans are more determined than ever to ruin America's day, with the help of... THE RUSSIANS!!! Warning; Paranoia was devised to remedy the problem of attacks petering out toward the end, so don't get complacent. As always, defend against terrorists and main force units till backup arrives, kill the nuke silo before it kills YOU, and fight your way to SURVIVAL.
20.9 kb
Project Revolution Missions Pak I
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 18-Dec-2003
Author: PuMa²
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Adds two new (and very difficult) missions to the Red Alert Revolution mod. At least one more mission on the way!
9.5 kb
Protect Civilians
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Jaakko Nenonen
Staff rating: n/a
Description: This is first mission from the 'In The Line of Fire' campaign! The Soviet Union tries to destroy the nearby village. You have to protect it! Destroy Soviet troops before the village is destroyed by them.
19.7 kb
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: Edward Morrow
Staff rating: n/a
Description: The Soviets and their allies have established a beachead on Greek land. Your mission is to detroy the beachead, wipe out the Ukranians base, and finally to remove the main soviet base. You will have some help along the way as HQ has sent some ships to assist you and promises reinforcements. We have also learned how to build some Soviet units which may help. There is a French forward base in the area which is currently under attack by the Soviets.
20.9 kb
RA Demo Missions
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 14-Mar-2003
Author: Westwood Studios
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Contains 3 missions grabbed from red alert demo version.
21.3 kb
Red Sand v1.5
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 20-Mar-2003
Author: Jay
Staff rating: n/a
Description: You are England and have to storm the German occupied area. You have only a few lenders to work with and supplies are short, but you must push through the German coastline defense. The good news is the Germans do not have any air units in the area, and they lack any operational armor. A large amount of German infantry are stationed on the beach and they have been preparing for this for sometime. The beach may be mined and we are sure that there is only one brake in the natural ridge barrier that the Germans are using for defense. Show the Wehrmacht what the allies are made of!
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