This section houses "all" avaible editors and utilities for Red Alert.. Once downloaded and installed, you can change many things in the game. For example, you can change the price of a building or unit, the strength, the speed of an unit, the weapons of an unit and many, many more things like that.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should just click on a file called Install.exe or Setup.exe

Note about MS-DOS utilities:
MS-DOS software will not run on modern PC's with modern OS (especially on 64-bit OS). To run MS-DOS utilities on modern PC you may need DOSBoxlink icon or a similar MS-DOS emulator and basic knowledgelink icon of MS-DOS operating system.

27.3 kb
AUD Player v1.1
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Moritz Mertinkat
Description: Allows you to play RA and C&C audio files in RA-MIXer. You need RA-MIXer 5.x to get it work.
37.0 kb
C&C Animation
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Buffoni Mirko
Description: This file allows you to see any video in Red Alert or Tiberium Dawn without opening Red Alert/Tiberium Dawn or winning the missions. You can also take screenshots of each frame in a video. This is good.
16.0 kb
C&C Names File Editor v1.03
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Vladan Bato
Description: This program professionally edits all names in Red Alert for everything. You can rename Countries, Units, Structures, and much more. When renaming many things using rules.ini red alert may become unstable and freeze during game play. So this program is used to prevent that by editing the Conquer.eng file which stores all original object names.
183.7 kb
DirectDraw Compatibility Tool
OS: Windows
Date Added: 18-Jan-2014
Author: Galogen
Description: DirectDraw Compatibility Tool is designed to fix color palette corruption in the old games (C&C, Starcraft and other from the second half of the 90th). Corruption occurs because of incompatibility between graphical interface Windows Aero and games intended to work with DirectX 7 DirectDraw or an older DirectX version. Both Windows Vista and Windows 7 have built-in compatibility tools for such games. But to invoke compatibility mode there should be information about specific exe-file in the corresponding part of the registry. DirectDraw Compatibility Tool allows to completely automate process of compatibility rules creation.
825.8 kb
Ingame Strings Editor
OS: Windows
Date Added: 01-Apr-2003
Author: Vesa Piittinen
Description: Very useful utility allows you edit conquer.eng and rules.ini files.
56.3 kb
Map Pack Maker
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: WarZone
Description: An extremely handy program that can give your mappack a nice costumized installation front-end.
2,107.1 kb
Map QuickViewer (shareware)
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Nathan Moinvaziri
Description: This program allows you to look at official westwood's maps, fast and easy.
37.0 kb
Map Viewer
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Erik Deppe
Description: With this program you can view both single and multiplayer maps.
144.3 kb
MegaMap Maker
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Tonyboy
Description: We just hated the MEGAMAPS (126*126) files that come with the game, so We decided to fix that problem..
34.9 kb
Original CnC Music in RA
Date Added: 12-Aug-2003
Author: Nyerguds
Description: This utility takes your music from the Original CnC and adds it to RA. You must have Command and Conquer and Red Alert in order to use this.
5.6 kb
Purple Pallets
OS: Windows
Date Added: 12-Aug-2003
Author: Nyerguds
Description: Makes converting from one game to another easy, and also prevents invisibility errors.
266.9 kb
Quick-n-Dirty Scenario Editor
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Andrew Griffin
Description: This program is a DOS scenario editor, NOT A MAP EDITOR! Please read documentation!
267.1 kb
R.A.C.K. Editor v1.0 Beta 3 (shareware)
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Gavin Pugh
Description: The R.A.C.K had become one of the most popular editors around when Red Alert was released. The problem in getting this famous editor to work is to set the date in your PC way back to the year 1996. Visit their site for screenshots and other info.
573.3 kb
R.A.C.K. Editor v1.0 Beta 4 (freeware)
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Gavin Pugh
Description: The new version of R.A.C.K editor. Also works 100% with Windows XP and a few bugs fixed. Now officially FREEWARE! Enjoy!
536.9 kb
R.A.R.E. v1.0
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Mark Mamer
Description: Red Alert Rules Editor is a software package that is used to edit the game characteristics of Red Alert. RARE is a rules editor. It was designed to give the user the ability to change multiple properties in the game.
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