This site has been created almost entirely from scratch by RaZor. You can find his email address is on the staff page.

The RA-Archive site creaded virtually from scratch, many infos are used from Brian Bird's IncREDible Alert site (currently site is dead, but we included author credits on every page that we used). Nearly all the screenshots and pictures grabbed by RA-Archive staff, aswell as inventing and creating many of the other stuff available for download.

Other credits include:

* Westwood Studios Inc - for creating such a great game and allowing modifications.
* Brian Bird - for tons of RA info and greatest missions/campaings.
* Gareth Bird - for writing the largest RA Story ever!
* Robert Nickel - for the best (in my opinion) mods for RA!
* PuMa² - for infos, mods and other uploads. Author of Project Revolution mod.
* Aaro Ruohonen - stuff uploader, author of many great single player missions.
* Red Warrior - author of Third Revolution mod.
* Suricata - for creating nice logo for RA-Archive and Forums.
* Nyerguds - for some infos in F.A.Q. section and utilities.
* Hanks2222 - for some really crazy RA screenshots and tips :)
* FunkyFr3sh - for helping us update game related information.
* Stas559, Cobra - were my childhood friends. We've played RA over LAN together a lot in late 90's. Stas559 also has created nice multiplayer maps. -RaZor
* Joshua Anderson - providing us great domain name hosting services for free since 2001!
* Vasyllis - "Father" of RA-Archive, donated funds for server hardware upgrade and domain name renewal.

If I have missed anyone out then I am very sorry. Please email me and I will put your name on this list. -RaZor

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