Here you'll find a list of the Soviet Structures avaible in Red Alert.

This is the only place on a site you can see the structures with in-game pictures, icons, default statistics along with a description.

Any productive buildings such as the War Factory or Construction Yard produce faster if there are more than one of them. Note, in Aftermath this increase in speed does not exist for any more than 2 buildings. The notable exceptions to this rule are the Missile silo, Iron Curtain and Chronosphere.

Note: New special structures found in Counterstrike and Aftermath can be found on their respective pages.

Icon In-game Information Description
Construction Yard
Rules.ini name: FACT
Strength: 1000
Armor: heavy
Sight: 5
Cost: N/A
Power: 0
Prerequisites: N/A
Appears when an MCV is deployed. When built it allows creation of structures if the player has enough money. It is the fundamental part of a players base and if destroyed early on in the game before a second one has been made it can turn the tide of a war in seconds. Without this structure only units can be built and if the player does not already have the ability to build another MCV then his cause is all but lost.
Barbed Wire
Rules.ini name: FENC
Armor: Wood
Cost: 25
Prerequisites: N/A
Used to prevent the movement on oncoming infantry. This type of wall can be driven over by tracked vehicles such as tanks.
Concrete Wall
Rules.ini name: BRIK
Armor: Concrete
Cost: 100
Prerequisites: N/A
Used to prevent the movement on oncoming infantry and vehicles. Unlike Barbed Wire Concrete walls must be destroyed before moving on.
Power Plant
Rules.ini name: POWR
Strength: 400
Armor: Wood
Sight: 4
Cost: 300
Power: +100
Prerequisites: N/A
Only usually built at the beginning of a game as soon as the MCV is deployed. It gives out enough power to support a barracks, ore refinery and War Factory. If power consumption exceeds power output then everything being created by the player slows down and buildings get slighly damaged.
Advanced Power Plant
Rules.ini name: APWR
Strength: 700
Armor: Wood
Sight: 4
Cost: 500
Power: +200
Prerequisites: Power Plant
Gives out twice as much power as the normal power station, it is also slightly stronger and takes up about one-and-a-half times as much space in your base. The more advanced structures consume an entire APWR's output. They are quite weak, mainly due to wooden armour so you should try to always have a power surplus in case one is destroyed.
Ore Refinery
Rules.ini name: PROC
Strength: 900
Armor: Wood
Sight: 6
Cost: 2000
Power: -30
Ore Storage: 2000
Prerequisites: Power Plant
This structure is needed to sustain any Red Alert army. Ore trucks must collect gold and gems and return them to the refinery in order to bring in cash supplies to build new structures/units. You should have several of these in your base whenever possible.
Ore Silo
Rules.ini name: SILO
Strength: 300
Armor: Wood
Sight: 4
Cost: 150
Power: -10
Ore Storage: 1500
Prerequisites: Ore Refinery
Refineries store 2000 credits worth of ore. To prevent loss of income, have a silo or two around to store up to another 1500 credits.
Soviet barracks
Rules.ini name: BARR
Strength: 800
Armor: Wood
Sight: 5
Cost: 300
Power: -20
Prerequisites: Power Plant
Needed for Soviet infantry. With a tech centre, Soviets can create Tanyas in multiplayer mode. They can also train grenadiers, cheap considering their strength in numbers and their man-rush capabilities.
Rules.ini name: KENN
Strength: 400
Armor: Wood
Sight: 4
Cost: 200
Power: -10
Prerequisites: Soviet Barracks
Attack Dogs trained from the kennels are the only unit capable of sniffing out enemy spies without orders. They are also the only infantry who can single handedly stop a Tanya if they are quick enough.
War Factory
Rules.ini name: WEAP
Strength: 1000
Armor: Light
Sight: 4
Cost: 2000
Power: -30
Prerequisites: Ore Refinery
The mainstay of any Red alert force, this allows production of and and all vehicles when the necessary prerequisite buildings are available. Have at least two of these around the base for faster production.
Service Depot
Rules.ini name: FIX
Strength: 800
Armor: Wood
Sight: 5
Cost: 1200
Power: -30
Prerequisites: War Factory
Possibly the most under-rated structure. Repairing damaged vehicles and aircraft is much cheaper than making new ones, and doesn't take much longer either, although the visual speed suggests otherwise. Also allows production of an MCV which is usually the reason for it's building.
Radar Dome
Rules.ini name: DOME
Strength: 1000
Armor: Wood
Sight: 10
Cost: 1000
Power: -40
Prerequisites: Ore Refinery
Necessary to allow production of some structures and units, this also gives a small map of the playing area with detection of all friendly and enemy units, except aircraft. Very useful for any tactical decisions.
Soviet Tech Center
Rules.ini name: STEK
Strength: 600
Armor: Wood
Sight: 4
Cost: 1500
Power: -100
Prerequisites: War Factory, Radar Dome
Similar to the Allies tech centre, this allows access to the Iron Curtain and missile silo. Generally not as much use as the Allied version since there is no GPS and less special units (excluding new Aftermath units).
Flame Turret
Rules.ini name: FTUR
Strength: 400
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: Fireball Launcher
Range: Short
Sight: 6
Cost: 600
Power: -20
Prerequisites: Soviet Barracks
The Soviet's answer to the pillbox. Flames kill infantry quicker than machine guns, but they do sometimes miss. They can also accidentally kill your own units if they get in the way.
Tesla Coil
Rules.ini name: TSLA
Strength: 400
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: Tesla Zap
Range: Long
Sight: 8
Cost: 1500
Power: -150
Prerequisites: War Factory
The Soviet land and sea defensive structure is extremely effective. It's long range and powerful weapon are only hindered by quite a weak structure and high power consumption. Definitely worth a couple of these near base entrances.
Rules.ini name: AFLD
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 7
Cost: 600
Power: -30
Prerequisites: Radar Dome
Allows production of MIGs and YAKs aswel as giving free access to the Spy Plane, Paratroopers and Parabombs at high enough tech levels. Always a good idea to have one in your base because of these freebies.
Rules.ini name: HPAD
Strength: 800
Armor: Wood
Sight: 5
Cost: 1500
Power: -10
Prerequisites: Radar Dome
Necessary to allow production of some structures and units, this also gives a small map of the playing area with detection of all friendly and enemy units, except aircraft. Very useful for any tactical decisions.
S.A.M. Site
Rules.ini name: SAM
Strength: 400
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: Surface to Air Missile
Range: Medium
Sight: 5
Cost: 750
Power: -20
Prerequisites: Radar Dome
The Soviet anti-aircraft defence is not as good as the Allied, but does not require power to operate. However, in missons this is the only Soviet air defence excluding mammoth tanks which are too expnsive to use as air defences. Fortunate then that the Allies only have helicopters.
Rules.ini name: SPEN
Strength: 1000
Armor: Light
Sight: 4
Cost: 650
Power: -30
Prerequisites: Power Plant
Source of the only Soviet naval units, the submarines. If the map contains water connecting an Allied naval yard to your base you should build subpens and subs to stop any cruisers getting too close.
Iron Curtain
Rules.ini name: IRON
Strength: 400
Armor: Wood
Sight: 10
Cost: 2800
Power: -200
Prerequisites: Soviet Tech Center
The Soviets pride and joy. This structure can curtain any friendly unit in an invulnerable shield for 45 seconds. Unfortunately, the time it takes to charge and the fact that the Soviets are generally strong in numbers rather than one unit (unlike the Allied Cruiser) mean that this is often not worth the asking price.
Missile Silo
Rules.ini name: MSLO
Strength: 400
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 5
Cost: 2500
Power: -100
Prerequisites: Soviet Tech Center
From here a deadly Atom bomb can be launched at the enemy. Unfortunately, the time is takes to charge and the relative weakness of the A-bomb itself mean it is often better to build a few tanks with the money instead. Still, it does give the enemy a fright when a few buildings are heavily damaged with no loss to your own forces.

Source: .ini files, Red Alert Handbook, IncREDible Alert
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