There are now hundreds of home-made single player missions available for Red Alert. These have beenmade by people who want to add a bit more to Red Alert. Some missions arevery similar to playing a Skirmish game against the computer and are not what I would consider a real 'mission'. However, many missions are better than those by Westwood and really are worth playing.
Some people make a collection of their missions and make a campaign out of them. There may be a few smaller campaigns available here, but the larger ones usually have their own homepage. The creators of these deserve credit and you should visit their page to find out the latest information and details about their campaign.

If you know any good single player missions please send them to us.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should put all unzipped files in Red Alert directory!

21.7 kb
River Rage
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Silvester Dezsi
Staff rating: n/a
Description: A new Soviet mission with cool new units (graphics included!). You have to use the new rubber boats and the High Voltage tank to stop the Allies from producing new naval units. A pretty tough mission.
21.8 kb
River Raid
Side: Allies
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 02-Jul-2013
Author: beav162
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Commander, Soviets are blocking access for our supply convoys up the Dniaper River, submarines and airstrikes destroy our convoys. An early attempt by the French failed, what will you do? An Allies mission for moderate to good players.
5.3 kb
Run Like Hell
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: Michael Covington
Staff rating: 10/10
Description: The soviets have taken germany and have nuke's aimed at 4 major citys across Europe. 50% of our forces are in these cities. You must stop the nukes.
8.1 kb
Russian Convoy
Side: Allies
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 14-May-2019
Author: Goatmessiah
Staff rating: 8/10
Description: You must destroy Putins truck convoy which is moving into separatist occupied territory of east Ukraine. Be careful -- Convoy is heavy guarded! Bugs fixed by RaZor.
12.6 kb
Seaside Strife
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: WarHammerX
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Your mission, is to recapture the research facility and naval yard. Then, destroy the soviet threat by any means possible. Lack of funds have led us to a shortage of materials, so you will not have any access to allied ships during the mission until you retake captured naval research facility.
3.2 kb
Sheer Hell
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: Robin Bott
Staff rating: n/a
Description: We have sent a spy to rescue Tanya from a Lockwood Prison. He should arrive soon. If Tanya survives you should guide her to a nearby Russian base which we fear could cause trouble for us in the future. Destroy all of their base, and the prison complex Tanya escaped from. Watch out for Generals with napalm, they are deadly. Try to keep Tanya alive at all costs!
6.2 kb
Shoguns Raid
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: C. Stoute
Staff rating: n/a
Description: A near by english base is under attack by this new terrorist group "Shoguns". They have these "Flame men" and "Rottweilders". Luckly, you got some helicopters and mustang attack planes. Your mission, eradicate all shoguns.
5.0 kb
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 29-Jul-2003
Author: Rob
Staff rating: n/a
Description: 1 mammoth tank versus 300 civillians! Play from both points of view.
4.5 kb
Siege at Cuba
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 03-Feb-2014
Author: Courtney Trammell
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Destroy the Allied naval base. (Beta)
8.7 kb
Skull Island v1.0
Side: Allies
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 15-Mar-2003
Author: James Walker
Staff rating: n/a
Description: By a small town in Germany, there is an island called Skull Island. A road runs through this area and is used as a major supply route. Recently, all supply shipments sent through this area have been disappearing. The townspeople have reported anomalies as well. You are to investigate what is going on here. Set up your base and await further instructions.
33.5 kb
Smalltown Civilian Massarce v1.01
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 15-Mar-2003
Author: Tim Webster
Staff rating: n/a
Description: Simple really, just kill all the civilians before they get pissed-off and start detonating their suicide bombs.
34.6 kb
Soviet Power
Side: Allies
Add-on required: none
Date added: 15-Mar-2003
Author: unknown
Staff rating: n/a
Description: This mission starts you off with 6 destroyers coming in and attacking the 6 subs guarding the area. Then another 4 destroyers come to attack the land units positioned on the beach head. You will need to control these destroyers to surely kill all the subs. Afterwards 3 transports will arrive to land your tanks. Your MCV will arrive shortly. You'll need to destroy the soviets who have taken control of the area.
14.6 kb
Soviet World of War
Side: Allies
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 15-Mar-2003
Author: Andy Vinall
Staff rating: n/a
Description: The Soviets have large military bases in this region. They have stole our technology, so get your spy into their Technology Centre so we stop them from building our technology and we can deploy our MCVs. Once done, the Soviets will not give up attacks when they discover you. It has also been reported that Ukraine is in this area. From then on, destroy all Soviets.
12.1 kb
Spy Game
Side: Allies
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date added: 23-Jul-2003
Author: Rob
Staff rating: n/a
Description: This is a mission to replace an Aftermath mission. It is ademo for my full Aftermath campaign I am working on.
5.4 kb
Stealth Squad
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: none
Date added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Pookie
Staff rating: 7/10
Description: You have to use your commando to get a stealth device. Then you should destroy all enemies. Pretty simple.
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