This is the only place on a site you can see the units with in-game pictures, icons, default statistics along with a description.
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Rifle Infantry
Rules.ini name: E1
Range: Short
Armor: none
Weapon: M16 Rifle
Strength: 50
Cost: 100
Sight: 4
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks
This is the cheapest units and carries a small gun. Useful in groups, it is possible to kill a tank with a couple of these, if they don't get run over. Sometimes, you get when a structure is destroyed or sold.
Rocket Soldier
Rules.ini name: E3
Range: Medium
Armor: none
Weapon: RedEye (SAM, surface to air missile); Dragon (homing missile)
Strength: 45
Cost: 300
Sight: 4
Speed: 3
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks
Slow moving, but quite powerful, the rockets they carry can fire on ground and air units and they do reasonable damage to tanks and structures. They aren't much good on other infantry. Owned by both sides in multiplay. In a small group they are the best kind of air defense as they don't require power and are faster and cheaper than SAM sites. If you put them in formation with a mine-layer they will go faster.
Rules.ini name: E6
Range: N/A
Armor: none
Weapon: none
Strength: 25
Cost: 500
Sight: 4
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks
Often under-used, but very useful unit. An engineer can repair most friendly structures to full strength instantly. If they enter an enemy building they damage it by around 25% and capture it if it is already below 25% strength, or 4 engineers can take a building easy. A captured building is treated as one of your own and can have other friendly structures placed next to it.
Rules.ini name: MEDI
Range: Short
Armor: none
Weapon: Medical Kit
Strength: 80
Cost: 800
Sight: 3
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks
Heals your infantry in the battle field. Build 1 for every 2 soldiers if you attack with infantry packs.
Rules.ini name: SPY
Range: N/A
Armor: none
Weapon: none
Strength: 25
Cost: 500
Sight: 5
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks, Radar Dome
To the enemy, this guy appears as one of their own rifle infantry on the screen and on the map. If he enters an enemy building he reveals information about the enemy situation. (e.g.. Entering ore refinery reveals the amount of money he has.) This information can sometimes give valuable indication of when to attack. Send them into a subpen to receive a sonar pulse!
Rules.ini name: THF
Range: N/A
Armor: none
Weapon: none
Strength: 25
Cost: 500
Sight: 5
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks, Allied Tech Center
A thief can enter an enemy silo or ore refinery and steal half the credits from the enemy (owner of the building). If your opponent is rich, and you're poor, send these in and get lots of money. Use spies to know how much money your enemy has so you can send them in the right time.
Rules.ini name: E7
Range: Medium
Armor: none
Weapon: Colt pistols; C4 explosives
Strength: 100
Cost: 1200
Sight: 6
Speed: 5
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks, Allied Tech Center
She has virtually no protection against vehicles. Owned by both sides in multiplay. Tanya cannot be put in guard mode and won't fire unless told to do so by you. In missions she can be put on guard mode by clicking on her and pressing "g". She cannot be crushed and can destroy structures easily with her C4 explosives.
Aftrmath.ini name: MECH
Range: Short
Armor: none
Weapon: Good Wrench
Strength: 60
Cost: 950
Sight: 3
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Allied Barracks, Service Depot
Avaible in AFTERMATH ONLY! Similar to the Allied field medic, this guy can repair vehicles for free in the field rather than having them return to base and using the service depot. Quite slow and vulnerable, although a couple of them in a group of attacking tanks can be worth their cost.
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Light Tank
Rules.ini name: 1TNK
Range: Medium
Armor: Medium
Weapon: 75mm Cannon
Strength: 300
Cost: 700
Sight: 4
Speed: 9
Prerequisites: War Factory
Fast and relatively cheap. The light tank can catch enemies by surprise if used effectively. It doesn't stand a chance against a heavy tank, but it's speed can get it away to safety. They are very powerful in large groups, almost impossible to destroy because you can get them back to safety really fast, your enemy will then cool down and you can surprise him with more!!!
Medium Tank
Rules.ini name: 2TNK
Range: Medium
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: 90mm Cannon
Strength: 400
Cost: 800
Sight: 5
Speed: 8
Prerequisites: War Factory
The best Allied ground unit. It isn't really a match for any of the Soviet ones so you'll need lots of these to protect yourself against a Soviet ground attack.
Rules.ini name: JEEP
Range: Medium
Armor: Light
Weapon: M60MG (Machine Gun)
Strength: 150
Cost: 600
Sight: 6
Speed: 10
Prerequisites: War Factory
Cheap and fast. This is really useful as a scout, or against infantry.
Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)
Rules.ini name: APC
Range: Short
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: M60mg
Strength: 200
Cost: 800
Sight: 5
Speed: 10
Prerequisites: War Factory, Allied Barracks
They can carry up to 5 infantry units safely and faster. They are also useful for squashing enemy troops.
Rules.ini name: ARTY
Range: Long
Armor: Light
Weapon: 155mm Cannon
Strength: 75
Cost: 600
Sight: 5
Speed: 6
Prerequisites: War Factory
Its weapon is inaccurate because of its long range, so force fire in front of a far target. They destroy structures in no time but have them always protected by tanks because they don't last long. Kills infantry easily, better used on non-moving groups.
Mobile Radar Jammer
Rules.ini name: MRJ
Range: Long
Armor: Light
Weapon: none
Strength: 110
Cost: 600
Sight: 7
Speed: 9
Prerequisites: War Factory, Radar Dome
This causes a lot of problems to the enemy by jamming the radar. If it gets within 15 squares of the enemy's radar then he can only pick up static, which can stop him seeing where your attack is coming from.
Mobile Gap Generator
Rules.ini name: MGG
Range: Short
Armor: Light
Weapon: none
Strength: 110
Cost: 600
Sight: 4
Speed: 9
Prerequisites: War Factory, Allied Tech Center
A mobile version of the Allied Gap Generator, this blackens out a smaller area than it's stationary counterpart (Gap Gen.), but can help disguise your attacking force. I use them on my ore trucks so the enemy can't attack the ore trucks with aircrafts!!
Mine Layer
Rules.ini name: MNLY
Range: N/A
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: none
Strength: 100
Cost: 800
Sight: 5
Speed: 9
Prerequisites: War Factory, Service Depot
Drops Anti-vehicle mines. They can only be seen by the player who mined them, and they can cause a lot of damage to an incoming ground force driving through a minefield.
Ore Truck (Harvester)
Rules.ini name: HARV
Range: N/A
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: none
Strength: 600
Cost: 1400
Sight: 4
Speed: 6
Prerequisites: War Factory, Ore Refinery
The most important unit in the game - you need harvesters to collect ore and gems and take them to the refinery in order to make money. They have good armor but no defences whatsoever except to run over infantry. Keep them guarded by a few rocket soldiers and tanks. Auto-Repairs itself to half strength.
Mobile Construction Yard
Rules.ini name: MCV
Range: N/A
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: none
Strength: 600
Cost: 2500
Sight: 4
Speed: 6
Prerequisites: War Factory, Service Depot
Deploying one of these creates a construction yard, the MCV has no other use, but can be one of the most useful units around.
Chrono Tank
Aftrmath.ini name: CTNK
Range: Medium
Armor: Light
Weapon: AP Tusk
Strength: 350
Cost: 2400
Sight: 5
Speed: 5
Prerequisites: War Factory, Allied Tech Center
Avaible in AFTERMATH ONLY! The latest advancement to the Allies time and space experiments. When charged up this tanks can chronoshift itself anywhere on the map with the bonus of NOT returning to it's original position after 3 minutes. Quite expensive, but a squad of these could cause havoc to the enemy.
Demolition Truck
Aftrmath.ini name: DTRK
Range: n/a
Armor: Light
Weapon: Demo Charge
Strength: 110
Cost: 2400
Sight: 3
Speed: 8
Prerequisites: War Factory, Missile Silo
Avaible in AFTERMATH ONLY! A drone truck carrying a nuclear payload. This truck can be targeted at buildings or detonated in specific areas. When destroyed, it's payload detonates like an atomic bomb destroying anything nearby. Be careful not to leave one of these around your own base if the enemy destroys it...
A note about all aircraft in Red Alert - When they have taken off and are flying they do not show up on either your own or enemy radar making them easier to arrive 'unannounced' than ground or naval units.
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Longbow Helicopter
Rules ini name: HELI
Range: Medium
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: Hellfire Missiles
Strength: 225
Cost: 1200
Sight: 0
Speed: 16
Prerequisites: Helipad
The only Allied airforce, these are similar to the Hind but fire Hellfire missiles - more powerful against vehicles and structures, but infantry are usually left almost unharmed. A group can take out a structure easily if there are few air defences. One Longbow is included in the cost of building an Allied helipad. They can land anywhere on the map that has been uncovered.
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Rules ini name: PT
Range: Short
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: 2Inch Cannon; Deptcharge (anti-sub missile)
Strength: 200
Cost: 500
Sight: 7
Speed: 9
Prerequisites: Naval Yard
Used often when controlling large areas of water. The gunboat has a short range, although it is quite fast and powerful for a cheap unit.
Rules ini name: DD
Range: Long
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: Stinger (homing missile); Depth charge (for subs)
Strength: 400
Cost: 100
Sight: 6
Speed: 6
Prerequisites: Naval Yard
The all-round naval vessel. This is quite fast, not too expensive and can fire at subs, boats, ground units or air units over a reasonable range. Very useful for protecting Cruisers and other naval units (transport).
Rules ini name: CA
Range: Very Long
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: 8Inch Cannon
Strength: 700
Cost: 2000
Sight: 7
Speed: 4
Prerequisites: Naval Yard, Allied Tech Center
Most powerful unit in the game. The cruiser fires 2 deadly 8 inch canon missiles over a very long range. They will easily destroy buildings with a couple of shots, but they are very inaccurate so force fire in front of the target (ctrl+click). Defend these with other naval units because they are slow in combats.
Naval Transport
Rules.ini name: LST
Range: N/A
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: none
Strength: 350
Cost: 700
Sight: 6
Speed: 14
Prerequisites: Naval Yard
This can carry any 5 land units. Very fast and safe against all attacks, only can unload on a beach shore. Very useful for surprise attacks in the enemy's base!