These section houses the unofficial (unsupported by Westwood) patches for Red Alert.
Before use files below, remember that we are not responsible for what happens to your PC by using this patches, use it on your own risk!

These hotfix patches are specifically made to address specific system issue:

  • Red Alert affinity fix - fixes a bug involving Red Alert crash when using multi-threaded or/and multi-core CPU. Just extract zip contents into your Red Alert directory and start game with ra95.bat file instead of ra95.exe. Works fine with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7.
  • Windows Vista/7 Red Alert color fix - constains registry files that fix the Red Alert color issue on Windows Vista/7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions supported).
  • Red Alert v3.03 TCP/IP LAN patch - this patch makes use of the TCP/IP (UDP) protocol instead of IPX which no longer requires you to have IPX installed. Works only with Red Alert 3.03 patch installed.

No-CD Patches:
This patches allows you to play in Red Alert without CD. Unzip and Read 'Readme.txt' file first!
Please select your RA version:

NOTE: No-CD patches weren't written for people who don't own the game!

Mega Map Patches:
This patches allows you to play in Largest Maps (126x126) also called Mega Maps. If you have Red Alert Aftermath (v2.00) you don't need to install this patches!!! Red Alert Aftermath has bult-in support for Megamaps.
Please select your RA version:

Misc. patches:
Unknown or untested patches. Use on your own risk!

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