This section houses almost all available custom maps for use in Red Alert multiplayer games against the AI in "Skirmish" mode or against human opponents. Each map is packed in zip file to save server disk space and bandwidth, also in order to make it possible to verify data integrity of downloaded files.

To use these maps:
Click on the "Download" link of the map you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the map(s) you want to your main Red Alert directory (usually C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT).
This can be done using PeaZip utility which can be downloaded for a free.

You can now start up Red Alert and choose the map(s) to play on from the list of maps in the multiplayer settings. Note, if you have several maps in your directory, Red Alert can take longer to load up (although it does not affect the gameplay). If you wish to remove maps simply delete or rename files ending with a .mpr extension.

Size: Theater: Max players:
Rules mods: Triggers: Units on map:
Map name: Author:
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7.7 kb
Trigger 4
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 126 x 85
Date added: 09-Feb-2014
Author: Sabot909
Land ratio: 76%
Water ratio: 24%
Valuables: 1,669,880
Units on map: no
Rules mods: yes
Triggers: no
Description: Both players start very close to each other without much ore nearby. The trick is to either launch a crippling early attack with infantry and or tanks. The real key however is to get a second base built near a sizeable central lake that has a large island packed with gems.
6.6 kb
True Lies
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 14-Feb-2014
Author: Eric Chittick
Land ratio: 81%
Water ratio: 19%
Valuables: 1,497,960
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: Large ORE Deposits, Map divided by body of water.
5.5 kb
Tundra Terror
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Ironside
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 613,550
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
6.3 kb
Tunnel Rats
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 90 x 56
Date added: 09-Feb-2014
Author: Jon Hanover
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 0
Units on map: no
Rules mods: yes
Triggers: no
Description: This map has modified rules in that you will not be able to renew your finances without selling buildings as there are No ore refinereys, nor ore silos. You will only have 10,000 dollars to work with win or die.
6.6 kb
Twins Islands (Med)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Hover
Land ratio: 63%
Water ratio: 37%
Valuables: 495,345
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.4 kb
Twist of Fate
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 03-Feb-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 96%
Water ratio: 4%
Valuables: 2,051,655
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.6 kb
Twisted river valley (small 4 players)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Robert Nickel
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 657,660
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
10.4 kb
Two Bridges
thumbnail image
Players: n/a
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 81%
Water ratio: 19%
Valuables: 1,050,720
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
7 kb
Two Bridges
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 70%
Water ratio: 30%
Valuables: 651,900
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
4.6 kb
Two Man War 2
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 126 x 64
Date added: 13-Mar-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 69%
Water ratio: 31%
Valuables: 999,265
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
2.7 kb
two on two (sml)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 72%
Water ratio: 28%
Valuables: 1,642,960
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5 kb
Two Rivers
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 77%
Water ratio: 23%
Valuables: 537,665
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
7.1 kb
Two Sides
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Kelly Miller
Land ratio: 80%
Water ratio: 20%
Valuables: 1,183,430
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
8.1 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 70%
Water ratio: 30%
Valuables: 963,525
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
7.4 kb
Ultimate East vs West
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 126 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: ChaosLord
Land ratio: 85%
Water ratio: 15%
Valuables: 1,375,410
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: This is a great Mega map in which you must defeat your opponents next to you before you can establish a high tech base. This map is divided into two sides. This one is sure to provide hours of fun for eight players.
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