This section houses almost all available custom maps for use in Red Alert multiplayer games against the AI in "Skirmish" mode or against human opponents. Each map is packed in zip file to save server disk space and bandwidth, also in order to make it possible to verify data integrity of downloaded files.

To use these maps:
Click on the "Download" link of the map you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the map(s) you want to your main Red Alert directory (usually C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT).
This can be done using PeaZip utility which can be downloaded for a free.

You can now start up Red Alert and choose the map(s) to play on from the list of maps in the multiplayer settings. Note, if you have several maps in your directory, Red Alert can take longer to load up (although it does not affect the gameplay). If you wish to remove maps simply delete or rename files ending with a .mpr extension.

Size: Theater: Max players:
Rules mods: Triggers: Units on map:
Map name: Author:
Sort by:
1.9 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 14-Mar-2014
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 80,010
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
2 kb
xxDuDexx's Island
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: xxDuDexx
Land ratio: 47%
Water ratio: 53%
Valuables: 1,350,040
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3.2 kb
XXL Wiese
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: NoCoN
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 3,327,720
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.2 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-5
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 60%
Water ratio: 40%
Valuables: 1,518,020
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
2.9 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 38%
Water ratio: 62%
Valuables: 213,290
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.2 kb
zacob's road
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 99%
Water ratio: 1%
Valuables: 474,110
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
1.9 kb
ZB II by ReLipse
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: ReLipse
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 3,674,440
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3.6 kb
Zeeks Island War
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 60%
Water ratio: 40%
Valuables: 2,107,160
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
0.7 kb
Zig Zag
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 64 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 3,974,520
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
4 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 84%
Water ratio: 16%
Valuables: 2,116,795
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
6.6 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 64 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Phanttom
Land ratio: 75%
Water ratio: 25%
Valuables: 771,165
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: Tank rushing nightmare!
7.5 kb
zulu! - (new) (lg)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 64 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 75%
Water ratio: 25%
Valuables: 796,790
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3.7 kb
Zulu's at Isanduwana!
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Denny AKA Red Metal
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 451,975
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: This is another sparse map centred around the mountainous terrain of Isanduwana smack bang in the middle. Heavily Resourced for large scale tank battles.
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