This section houses almost all available custom maps for use in Red Alert multiplayer games against the AI in "Skirmish" mode or against human opponents. Each map is packed in zip file to save server disk space and bandwidth, also in order to make it possible to verify data integrity of downloaded files.

To use these maps:
Click on the "Download" link of the map you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the map(s) you want to your main Red Alert directory (usually C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT).
This can be done using PeaZip utility which can be downloaded for a free.

You can now start up Red Alert and choose the map(s) to play on from the list of maps in the multiplayer settings. Note, if you have several maps in your directory, Red Alert can take longer to load up (although it does not affect the gameplay). If you wish to remove maps simply delete or rename files ending with a .mpr extension.

Size: Theater: Max players:
Rules mods: Triggers: Units on map:
Map name: Author:
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10.5 kb
Thunder Plains
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 126 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Scott
Land ratio: 94%
Water ratio: 6%
Valuables: 3,172,520
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: Excellently designed mega map. The map contain very fine detail with lots of ore on each. A must download!
5 kb
Tiberian Jungle (Lg)
thumbnail image
Players: n/a
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Christopher Alas
Land ratio: 87%
Water ratio: 13%
Valuables: 1,508,760
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3 kb
Tiberium Center(1-8)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Buckshot Keyser
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 1,955,540
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3.8 kb
Tiberium Garden 2
thumbnail image
Players: 2-5
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 771,710
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3.3 kb
Tiberium Garden ][
thumbnail image
Players: 2-5
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Ironpack
Land ratio: 98%
Water ratio: 2%
Valuables: 501,065
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.8 kb
Tiberium Gardens 2
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Tiberman
Land ratio: 88%
Water ratio: 12%
Valuables: 612,880
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.9 kb
Tiberman (nurple)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 64
Date added: 12-Feb-2014
Author: Don Capone aka Nurple
Land ratio: 76%
Water ratio: 24%
Valuables: 970,765
Units on map: no
Rules mods: yes
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
6.5 kb
Tiberman 1
thumbnail image
Players: 2-7
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 14-Feb-2014
Author: Tiberman
Land ratio: 78%
Water ratio: 22%
Valuables: 376,980
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: Two players start on the island at the bottom of the map, and has a good supply of resources. These players are isolated from the mainland by a large river. If they wish to attack, a navy is a neccessity. The other players can use their navies to attack the isolated players with cruisers.
5.5 kb
Tiberman 2
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 14-Feb-2014
Author: Tiberman
Land ratio: 52%
Water ratio: 48%
Valuables: 728,025
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: A great big map with four main landmasses. Two long, thin bridge-type connectors that lead to a large island in the center, that holds the main supply of harvesting materials. Capure it and you'll probably think you've won! But wait! Suddenly yer base is under attack! "From where?" you ask. From that little inconspicuous beachhead by each base! That's right! An early navy holds the key to control of this game! A must for Allies if you wanna pummel yer opponents harvs are the cruisers! Get those transports loaded up with yer troops and attack his base! get to work! :)
5.7 kb
Tiberman 3
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 14-Feb-2014
Author: Tiberman
Land ratio: 60%
Water ratio: 40%
Valuables: 942,110
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: A great big map with four main landmasses. Two long, thin bridge-type connectors that lead to a large island in the center, that holds the main supply of harvesting materials. Capure it and you'll probably think you've won! But wait! Suddenly yer base is under attack! "From where?" you ask. From that little inconspicuous beachhead by each base! That's right! An early navy holds the key to control of this game! A must for Allies if you wanna pummel yer opponents harvs are the cruisers! Get those transports loaded up with yer troops and attack his base! get to work! :)
6.4 kb
Tiberman 5
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Tiberman
Land ratio: 78%
Water ratio: 22%
Valuables: 1,258,950
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: The map has three lands, two large "rivers", and a couple regular rivers. Many ridges and treelines divide the mainland into smaller sections. Plenty of ore is available at each players location. Each player should be able to defend their bases pretty well against attack. Although a combined assualt on one player may disprove the above statement, as most bases have more than one entrance. An early defense, and good harvesting strategies should insure a long game.
4.6 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 64
Date added: 14-Feb-2014
Author: Tiberman
Land ratio: 76%
Water ratio: 24%
Valuables: 989,685
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: Vietnam, Mekong River flows through the map spliting it in half. The top four players and bottom four are pretty well defended, and this map should be good for 4 on 4 play. Combined transport assaults against one enemy at a time should work. The sooner the assault is made, the more ore will be captured at the enemy's base! Get moving, soldier!
10.4 kb
Tic Tac Toe
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Mar-2014
Author: Point Blank
Land ratio: 60%
Water ratio: 40%
Valuables: 1,047,415
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
7.6 kb
tidal strike
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 55%
Water ratio: 45%
Valuables: 298,795
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3 kb
Tight Fit
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 12-Feb-2014
Author: Sabot909
Land ratio: 26%
Water ratio: 74%
Valuables: 183,620
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: This nice map has one snowy island in the middle of the map surrounded by water. The island does not have much ore either. Challenging huh?
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