This section houses almost all available custom maps for use in Red Alert multiplayer games against the AI in "Skirmish" mode or against human opponents. Each map is packed in zip file to save server disk space and bandwidth, also in order to make it possible to verify data integrity of downloaded files.

To use these maps:
Click on the "Download" link of the map you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the map(s) you want to your main Red Alert directory (usually C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT).
This can be done using PeaZip utility which can be downloaded for a free.

You can now start up Red Alert and choose the map(s) to play on from the list of maps in the multiplayer settings. Note, if you have several maps in your directory, Red Alert can take longer to load up (although it does not affect the gameplay). If you wish to remove maps simply delete or rename files ending with a .mpr extension.

Size: Theater: Max players:
Rules mods: Triggers: Units on map:
Map name: Author:
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1.8 kb
The Riverfront
thumbnail image
Players: n/a
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 208,110
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
7.2 kb
The Rock
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 84%
Water ratio: 16%
Valuables: 262,985
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
6.9 kb
The Room of Doom
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 80%
Water ratio: 20%
Valuables: 1,151,420
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
9.1 kb
The Run Around
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 18-May-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 92%
Water ratio: 8%
Valuables: 1,339,800
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
3.9 kb
the search for the haunted lake
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 95%
Water ratio: 5%
Valuables: 628,525
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.6 kb
The Snowman
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Cambion
Land ratio: 97%
Water ratio: 3%
Valuables: 1,000,155
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
0.8 kb
The Squeeze by ReLipse 3-5-00
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 32
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: ReLipse
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 43,960
Units on map: no
Rules mods: yes
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
5.2 kb
The Struggle For Survival
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 64 x 126
Date added: 09-Feb-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 58%
Water ratio: 42%
Valuables: 634,530
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
4.4 kb
The Terrainspotting
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 64 x 64
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: RaZor
Land ratio: 94%
Water ratio: 6%
Valuables: 220,595
Units on map: no
Rules mods: yes
Triggers: no
Description: It's first map which the author of RA-Archive has played in RA multiplayer game! Extracted from Counterstike CD and added some mods.
5.7 kb
The Ultimate Battlefield
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Dimensions: 126 x 126
Date added: 26-Jan-2018
Author: Jonathan Galletta
Land ratio: 97%
Water ratio: 3%
Valuables: 16,517,600
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: A good multiplayer map with large amount of valuables.
1.6 kb
The Ultimate Cheater
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 126 x 126
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Cathy Ploof
Land ratio: 97%
Water ratio: 3%
Valuables: 234,360
Units on map: yes
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: This nice map has a small lake in the top. This map has large forests for vey interesting tank battles however the game will be over quickly since you start off with one of the largest bases you will ever see. You start out with very very low power but once you have enough power you can't loose because you have tons of tesla's at your disposal.
6 kb
The Ultimate Snow Map
thumbnail image
Players: n/a
Dimensions: 126 x 126
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Ryan
Land ratio: 100%
Water ratio: 0%
Valuables: 4,517,040
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: A 126x126 map. Only works with Aftermath or the size of the map will not be 126x126. Tons or gems. Trees, 4 large corners to build, ridges are next to building centers to protect you base.
4.6 kb
The United States Of America
thumbnail image
Players: 2
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Theater: SNOW
Date added: 21-Feb-2014
Author: RAmaster
Land ratio: 46%
Water ratio: 54%
Valuables: 757,175
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
7.4 kb
The Vietnam War
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 04-May-2014
Author: n/a
Land ratio: 92%
Water ratio: 8%
Valuables: 577,610
Units on map: no
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
4.4 kb
The Wall 2 (LG,with units)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Dimensions: 96 x 96
Date added: 13-Jan-2014
Author: Donald Lipko II
Land ratio: 92%
Water ratio: 8%
Valuables: 1,162,400
Units on map: yes
Rules mods: no
Triggers: no
Description: n/a
Visitors online: 2 / Today: 139 / Total: 3314376 / since: 2002-06-28