This section houses "all" avaible editors and utilities for Red Alert.. Once downloaded and installed, you can change many things in the game. For example, you can change the price of a building or unit, the strength, the speed of an unit, the weapons of an unit and many, many more things like that.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should just click on a file called Install.exe or Setup.exe

Note about MS-DOS utilities:
MS-DOS software will not run on modern PC's with modern OS (especially on 64-bit OS). To run MS-DOS utilities on modern PC you may need DOSBoxlink icon or a similar MS-DOS emulator and basic knowledgelink icon of MS-DOS operating system.

116.4 kb
RA Build v1.0
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Daniel Aldman
Description: A program that enables you to edit/add buildings to a map.
490.3 kb
RA Build v4.0 (shareware)
OS: Windows
Date Added: 21-Mar-2003
Author: Daniel Aldman
Description: Red Alert Build v4.0 is a program that enables anyone to place buildings, units, ships or infantry on a Red Alert multiplayer map. It also enables you to create missions.
112.7 kb
RA Cameo Creator
OS: Windows
Date Added: 12-Aug-2003
Author: BawlsCola
Description: This is a pcx file that gives you a good template to make all of your icons from! Comes with ready made weapon 'icons', all the 3d style numbers and letters you could want, pre-made backgrounds and more!
281.4 kb
RA Power v1.0
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Tapani Haka
Description: RA power is a tool to assist people in creating Red Alert maps with structures. It will tell power needs and how much power the side has already.
3.6 kb
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: ROK
Description: Allows you to play Red Alert without the CD by copying the files to your hard drive.
1.3 kb
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: ModemMan
Description: Copy your Red Alert from CD to Hard Disk! Requed 500MB Free Space on Hard Disk!
18.9 kb
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Moritz Mertinkat
Description: Crack for Red Alart to play from the Hard Disk!
352.7 kb
RA-MIXer v5.1 OR3
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Moritz Mertinkat
Description: A program to view the MIX files, it even supports Aftermath MIX files. RA-Mixer even allows you to play Counterstrike and Aftermath without CD. You can create own MIX files.
1,120.9 kb
RAG Scenario Editor (shareware)
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Christian Oppermann
Description: Very nice program to create single missions like R.A.C.K. editor, convenient interface but it's Shareware version :(
1,222.7 kb
Red Alchemist Pro 4.0
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Nathan Jones
Description: This is a great and popular Rules.ini editor like the 'Red Maximus' with a user-friendly interface. You can change almost anything in the game with this editor. Red Alchemist is now officially FREEWARE! You can legally register it with the following data: Name = Freebie, Pass = 332297218
736.2 kb
Red Alchemist v1.0
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Nathan Jones
Description: The Best "rules.ini" Editor!
1,403.3 kb
Red Alert Editor2 v2.7.2
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: KILLER Productions
Description: It's a RULES.INI editor. In other words, it allows you to edit the values of almost everything in the game. This includes Units, Buildings, Weapons, weapon Projectiles and Warheads.
11.6 kb
Red Alert Map Manager
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Craig Friedman
Description: You can play RA with specified maps so RA goes faster.
924.5 kb
Red Alert Map Viewer v1.3
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Moritz Mertinkat
Description: This program allows you to look at you maps, fast and easy. Requires RA-MIXer 5.x
85.0 kb
Red Alert Mission Annotater v1.3
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: David Louisson
Description: The program takes a single player mission file (e.g. SCG01EA.INI) and decodes any complex strings it finds (e.g. team types, triggers), adding comments (lines prefixed with a semi-colon ';') underneath each such string. Output is sent to a .ANN file of the same name, so that the original mission file remains unchanged.
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