This section houses "all" avaible editors and utilities for Red Alert.. Once downloaded and installed, you can change many things in the game. For example, you can change the price of a building or unit, the strength, the speed of an unit, the weapons of an unit and many, many more things like that.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should just click on a file called Install.exe or Setup.exe

Note about MS-DOS utilities:
MS-DOS software will not run on modern PC's with modern OS (especially on 64-bit OS). To run MS-DOS utilities on modern PC you may need DOSBoxlink icon or a similar MS-DOS emulator and basic knowledgelink icon of MS-DOS operating system.

105.5 kb
Red Alert Mission Compiler v1.1
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: David Louisson
Description: RAMC is a professional tool for the serious mission creator. If you're looking for a graphical editor that lets you 'point-and-click' objects onto the play map, then RAMC is probably not for you (although it does automate the calculation of cell locations to a high degree). Also, version 1.1 now allows importing map placements defined by other tools.
207.1 kb
Red Alert Movie Player v1.1
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Gordan Ugarkovic
Description: Utility to watch all the movies in Red Alert. You can also take screenshots from the movies.
4.4 kb
Red Alert Pallets
OS: n/a
Date Added: 12-Aug-2003
Author: PuMa²
Description: All of the formats of the Red Alert pallet. (Raw, NeoPaint, Microsoft, Jasc(PSP)) plus instructions on how to use them. They are used for taking screenshots, making units, structres and icons.
223.4 kb
Red Alert Retaliation Extractor
OS: Windows
Date Added: 17-Apr-2003
Author: unknown
Description: Allows to extract files from Playstation version of Red Alert.
57.7 kb
Red Alert Rules Editor
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Chris Heunen
Description: With this editor, you can change a lot of things on Red Alert's units. For example, you can change their price. Isn't that quite handy?
258.3 kb
Red Alert Scenario Editor v1.24
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: unknown
Description: This is an mission editor for those who want to create professionally missions or modify existing Screnarios. 100% compatible with Counterstrike.
263.7 kb
Red Alert Scenario Editor v1.25
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: unknown
Description: The latest version of the ever-so-popular Red Alert Mission Editor. The BEST Red Alert Mission editor out there! Can make interior maps/missions, is 100% compatible with Counterstrike and Aftermath, and loads graphics straight from a Red Alert CD. Creator: unknown, but he/she did a great job! This is my favorite map editor. :-)
3,177.1 kb
Red Alert Setup Manager v0.98
OS: Windows
Date Added: 19-Mar-2003
Author: TByte
Description: This program was written due problems people have installing Red Alert on Windows XP. Althought you still need your original CD(s) to use it, this program wasn't written for people who don't own the game!
38.0 kb
Red Alert Sound Ripper
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Buffoni Mirko
Description: Lets you extract sounds from C&C and Red Alert MIX files.
352.3 kb
Red Alert Terrain Editor
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Westwood
Description: The usual program for editing maps, almost everyone has this program :-)
974.0 kb
Red Horizon Utilities v0.30
OS: Windows
Date Added: 08-Jul-2013
Author: Emanuel Rabina
Description: A set of file-conversion utilities to convert some of the more obscure C&C, Red Alert and Dune 2 file formats into a more common one, and vice versa. Requires Java Runtime 7.
2,387.7 kb
Red Maximus Editor
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Rebel Cool
Description: It's a RULES.INI editor. In other words, it allows you to edit the values of almost everything in the game. This includes Units, Buildings, Weapons, weapon Projectiles and Warheads.
1,264.0 kb
RedEdit 97
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Childs Play Software
Description: This is the older version of "RedEdit 98". This too lets you edit everything from the cost of the structures and units to the weapons used by them.
1,166.5 kb
RedEdit 98
OS: Windows
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Childs Play Software
Description: "RedEdit 98" is one of the premium Red Alert editors on the Web. This highly rated editor (by its users & many Red Alert fan sites) allows you total power over Red Alert.
0.8 kb
Rules Manager
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Lord Hugh
Description: This is very simple program allows you to run your 2 favorite rules files interchangeably.
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