This section houses new big size maps (called as MegaMaps) for use in Red Alert Aftermath multiplayer games against the computer in Skirmish mode or against other human opponents. Most of the maps are in zipfiles to make it easier and faster to download.
Note: some maps have alterations built in to change characteristics of some units / structures!

[ Click here to see a directory list of all the available maps at RA-Archive ]

To use these maps:
Click on the filename of the map zipfile you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. If the map has a .mpr extension instead of a .zip extension then you need to download it by clicking on the link. Unzip the map(s) you want to your main Red Alert directory (usually C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT).
This can be done using Winzip which can be downloaded for a free trial period.

This is not necessary for maps which are not zipped up (ie those which already have a .mpr extension). You can now start up Red Alert and choose the map(s) to play on from the list of maps in the multiplayer settings. Note, if you have several maps in your directory, Red Alert can take longer to load up (although it does not affect the gameplay). If you wish to remove maps simply delete or rename files ending with a .mpr extension.

5.9 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-2
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Boomer3
Description: n/a
0.8 kb
Phat Wallet
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Jeff
Description: n/a
3.9 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 16-Apr-2003
Author: NoCoN
Description: n/a
8.7 kb
Ring Of Fire (mega)
thumbnail image
Players: 2-8
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 16-Apr-2003
Author: NoCoN
Description: n/a
9.9 kb
thumbnail image
Players: 2-6
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Jonathan
Description: This map roughly shows Singapore and south Malaysia. Singapore(island to the south) is seperated from Malaysia (north) by a strait of water. One bridge links the 2 countries up. There are also a few other tiny islands on the map. This map is recommended for 6 players maximum in which 4 players start in the Malaysia while the other 2 start in the Singapore. There is more ore on the Malaysian side than that of the Singapore island. On the center of the Malaysian side lies a forest. Debris of cities could also be seen. A naval assault should play a good part in offensive and defensive roles. Players starting in Singapore may have a higher chance of facing threats from naval attacks than that of players starting in Malaysia.
7.8 kb
Soviet Lake
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Snow
Date Added: 15-Apr-2003
Author: Jorge L. M. Almeida
Description: n/a
4.1 kb
Stones Age
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 15-Apr-2003
Author: Jorge L. M. Almeida
Description: n/a
3.1 kb
Super Mega Co-op
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Kevin McCollum
Description: n/a
9.9 kb
The Badlands
thumbnail image
Players: 2-2
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: King BOB
Description: n/a
8.7 kb
The Iron Curtain
thumbnail image
Players: 2-6
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Genicide
Description: The Iron Curtain level is a level with lots of ridges and water spots though out the map.
9.8 kb
The Pacific Bridges
thumbnail image
Players: 2-3
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Henket
Description: n/a
1.6 kb
The Ultimate Cheater
thumbnail image
Players: 2-2
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Cathy Ploof
Description: n/a
9.8 kb
The Woods
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: M.J.Cooze
Description: n/a
9.1 kb
Thrila v1.7
thumbnail image
Players: 2-4
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: Darron Thornbury
Description: n/a
10.5 kb
Thunder Plains
thumbnail image
Players: 2-6
Map Size: 126 x 126
Theater: Temperate
Date Added: 22-Apr-2000
Author: unknown
Description: n/a
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