This section is for new Red Alert campaigns. These are a group of new missions for Red Alert usually following a storyline.
The distinction between a new campaign and a conversion for Red Alert has become very blurred. Most new conversions come with some missions in the form of a campaign, and many campaigns have new units/rules etc included in them. This section now houses new campaigns and conversions for Red Alert. RA-Archive will also hopefully have separate pages for particularly good campaigns and conversions.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should put all unzipped files in Red Alert directory!

7,735.0 kb
Ultraq Campaign 2.0b Savegames
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 02-Jul-2013
Author: Emanuel Rabina
Description: Containing savegames for most missions in both parts of the campaign (not included are the missions which are dependant on your progress in previous missions) Download this package if a mission doesn't complete when it should (it happens sometimes) and you want to skip straight passed it.
849.5 kb
Ultraq Campaign Patch v1.2b
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 14-May-2003
Author: Emanuel Rabina
Description: This latest patch fixes some known bugs in Campaign Ultraq. If you found any bug please contact with author immediately! :)
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