This section is for new Red Alert campaigns. These are a group of new missions for Red Alert usually following a storyline.
The distinction between a new campaign and a conversion for Red Alert has become very blurred. Most new conversions come with some missions in the form of a campaign, and many campaigns have new units/rules etc included in them. This section now houses new campaigns and conversions for Red Alert. RA-Archive will also hopefully have separate pages for particularly good campaigns and conversions.

To use these files:
Click on the filename of the file you want and choose a place to download it on your hard drive. Unzip the contents into a directory using PeaZiplink icon utility which can be freely downloaded. Find and read the readme file for any extra instructions. Usually you should put all unzipped files in Red Alert directory!

138.4 kb
Desert Destiny 2 Fix
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 16-Mar-2003
Author: Silvester Dezsi
Description: If you have Desert Destiny 2 - Fight For Tiberium, you sould have seen that the third level dosn't work. This patch will fix it! well not fix it, but skip it. Because you ahev all ready beaten the level if you know it doesn't work.
218.6 kb
Desperation Campaign
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: FlameWolf
Description: The Soviets begin with their invasion of Poland, intent on conquering all of Europe for their own. You can join the Soviets in their quest for total domination and take your place at Stalin's right hand or you can help the Allies in their desperate attempt to resist Soviet aggression. It is fun, hard, and a good challenge.
8.8 kb
Destroy Angela
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: unknown
Description: Missions campaign for the Allies where your main objective is to kill Angela. Pretty funny.
43.2 kb
F.A.B.S. (Full Alert Battle Stations)
Side: Allies, Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Jeffrey Colgrove
Description: This is a small campaign that replaces te first few missions for both Soviets and Allies.
1,581.9 kb
Flame Dancers: Genesis
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Andrew Griffin
Description: This epic campaign, comprising 35 unique missions and featuring a gripping storyline, pits you in the role of one of the highest ranking members of the Flame Dancer organisation. It will take you from the end of the Soviet conflict to the emergence of the Global Defense Initiative, the first battles between the Brotherhood of Nod and the G.D.I, right up to the arrival of Tiberium.
23.4 kb
Foxhunt v1.0
Side: Allies
Add-on required: Aftermath
Date Added: 15-Mar-2003
Author: Peregrine
Description: Foxhunt is the small campaign contains two Allied missions involving trying to destroy Volkov. Replace the Allied Aftermath missions "PAWN" and "Monster Tank Madness". Missions are fun and difficult with some minor design problems.
51.3 kb
Harbor Front
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Rick Mayer
Description: A great campaign. Play as allies to destroy the shipyard the soviets have taken over.
1,881.0 kb
In The Line of Fire v1.0
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Jaakko Nenonen
Description: This is not just a campaign but something greater. This epic campaign for Allies comprising 13 unique missions and featuring a capturing story line, takes you to the most attractive war between the Allies and the Soviet Union. Defininitely recommended.
1,739.5 kb
In The Line Of Fire: Music Expansion Pack
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Jaakko Nenonen
Description: Adds two more great music tracks to the campaign above.
283.3 kb
In The Line of Fire: Patch
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Jaakko Nenonen
Description: Updates v0.1, v0.2 or v0.25 of I.T.O.F mission above , Adds 1 new mission and fixes the known bugs.
4.1 kb
Magnus Impetus
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 15-Mar-2003
Author: Justin Butler
Description: A small 2 mission campaign. Your objectives are to use Tanya to destroy all Soviet soliders and make it across the map in one piece.
124.7 kb
Mega Campaign Missions
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 26-Nov-2003
Author: Rob
Description: These are 7 missions I made for the cancelled mega campaign. There pretty good, give them a try and send some feed back!
33.4 kb
Mission 4 of Death Com 1
Side: Allies
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Richard Ling
Description: Includes 5 new missions! 5 New units also available.
41.3 kb
Red Alert: Revolution
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: unknown
Description: A 4 mission campaign. The Allies are being very secretive about something in this area. Find out what it is and wait for further instructions.
573.2 kb
Red Alert: Tiberium Dawn
Side: Soviet
Add-on required: n/a
Date Added: 23-Apr-2000
Author: Matthew Beckett
Description: Red Alert : Tiberium Dawn is a new campaign for Red Alert which replaces the Soviet missions 1 to 10 when installed. It also gives you new images, units and structures along with new rules for Red Alert to enhance these missions.
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